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Are there any women who don't CHEAT? Are US Men Obsolete?

Are there ANY women who don't CHEAT?

I think the subject speaks for itself. I've been involved with 5 women, and was engaged to these 5 women,
and before the marriage, I found out they all cheated on me, which then, I ended it. Are there any women out
there who DON'T cheat?
I'm, 100% sure I can satisfy any woman, I just wish I knew why women do this to men. I don't feel I deserved
it, even though I have had my chances to cheat on her, i've always remained faithful. I guess I'm just stupid.
I mean, How many other men out there can hit the hyman and drive a woman insane sexually? Even though a
relationship isn't about sex, I am curious because I no longer trust women. Which is a shame because I have
a lot to offer to any woman even if she has a child. I'm just confused about the whole thing. Any help,

07.05.2009 06:57

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